SIA TrainingAccredited
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SIA Door Supervisor Top Up

Original price was: £275.00.Current price is: £225.00.


Looking to advance in the security field? Our SIA Door Supervisor Top-Up course is specifically designed for experienced door supervisors eager to update and expand their skills. This comprehensive training includes advanced conflict management techniques, the latest safety protocols, updates on legal standards, and operational best practices. By completing this course, you’ll stay competitive in the industry, increase your earning potential, and prepare for high-profile security roles. Flexible learning options and expert instructors make this the ideal choice for professionals aiming to elevate their careers. Enroll today and secure your future!

Course Enrolment Terms

By completing this registration, you acknowledge and agree that this course requires at least three participants. If enrolment falls below this threshold, we will contact you to reschedule.

First Aid Requirement

  • All participants in an SIA Approved Programme are now required to have First Aid training. Skills Pad offers this training at a discounted rate. Please confirm your requirements. *

Passport Sized Photos

  • SIA require Passport Photos for application purposes. Please confirm your requirements below. *

SIA Badge Cost

  • You have the option to purchase your license through us, and we will handle all the associated administration. Alternatively, you can choose to purchase it at a later date. *

Results Speed

You can select the type of service you want for Course Results. There is an additional cost for a speedier service.

  • *

Product total

Optional Cost

Additional Cost

Grand total

Interest-Free Payment Plan Available via Klarna

  • 100% Secure Checkout
  • Guaranteed Lowest Price
  • Excellent Learner Support
Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Enhance Your Security Skills with Our SIA Door Supervisor Top Up Course

Elevate Your Career Elevate your security career with our comprehensive SIA Door Supervisor Top-Up course. Designed for experienced door supervisors, this training updates and expands your skills, ensuring you remain competitive in the security industry.

Course Content

Advanced Conflict Management Sharpen your ability to manage conflicts with advanced techniques that minimize risks. Additionally, these strategies ensure safety for all parties involved. Furthermore, explore more about conflict management at Conflict Management Institute.

Latest Safety Protocols Stay current with the newest safety protocols and emergency responses, which is crucial for maintaining security compliance. Additionally, visit the International Safety Standards Organization for detailed safety guidelines.

Legal Updates for SIA Supervisors: Keep abreast of the latest legal requirements and standards affecting door supervisors. This knowledge is vital for ensuring full legal compliance. Moreover, the current security laws of the National Security Legislation must be checked.

Operational Best Practices Dive into best practices for security operations, such as crowd control and surveillance, to enhance your job performance. These practices help you manage risks more effectively.

Boost Your Earning Potential

Increase Your Salary Prospects With this top-up course, enhance your job prospects and potentially increase your earnings. Certified door supervisors with advanced training can see salaries ranging from £12 to £18 per hour, depending on location and employer.

Why Choose Our SIA Door Supervisor Top Up Course?

Compliance and Recognition This course aligns with the latest SIA specifications, ensuring you comply with current regulations. Moreover, discover more on our Compliance Page.

Flexible Learning Options: Choose from various class schedules to fit your lifestyle, including weekends and evenings. Additionally, check our Schedule Page for more details.

Experienced Instructors Benefit from the guidance of industry leaders who bring practical insights into the classroom.

Advance Your Career

Prepare for Advanced Roles This top-up certification not only refines your skills but also boosts your professional credibility. Prepare to tackle high-profile security assignments and leadership roles with confidence.

Enrol Today and Secure Your Future in Security!

Additional information

Door Supervisor Top Up Date Selection

Thursday 8th August 2024, Tuesday 10th September 2024


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