Modern Salvery Policy
Skills Pad Modern Slavery Statement
Last Reviewed: 26/08/2023
Next Review Due: 26/08/2024
This statement, in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, outlines the measures Skills Pad has implemented and continues to enforce to ensure modern slavery or human trafficking does not occur in our business or supply chain. Skills Pad adheres to a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of modern slavery, operating with utmost ethical standards, integrity, and transparency.
About Skills Pad
Skills Pad is an Alternative Education Provider committed to delivering high-quality training to unemployed adults and young people not in education or employment. We aim to facilitate positive progression and help individuals achieve their full potential. Our operational structure consists of a Director, supported by an Admin Team and Tutors delivering training programs.
Operations and Supply Chain: We operate solely in the UK, receiving funding to act as a subcontractor for funded training programs and providing commercial training to enhance employee skills.
Relationships and Collaborations
We collaborate with local authorities, Job Centre Plus centers, and subcontractors like WorkPays Ltd to support local community needs and assist individuals on benefits to move closer to employment.
Management’s Responsibilities
The Directors ensure the policy’s implementation and operation. Managers are responsible for staff awareness, handling concerns, and maintaining records. Human Resources and Head Office monitor the policy’s operation concerning employees and job applicants.
Staff’s Responsibilities
All staff members are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy, reporting any concerns, and ensuring due diligence in recruitment and contract negotiations.
Policies and Due Diligence in Relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking
We are committed to:
- Examining internal business procedures.
- Ensuring zero tolerance for modern slavery is built into contracts and business dialogues.
- Asking suppliers to warrant against slavery or forced labor in their operations.
- Not supporting or dealing with businesses involved in slavery or human trafficking.
Risk Assessment and Management
Our approach assesses risks associated with vulnerable populations, business models, products, and geographical sources.
Key Performance Indicators
We measure the effectiveness of our initiatives through staff turnover rates, progression, personal development meetings, and electronic salary payments.
Training on Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Briefing sessions and specialized training are provided for new and existing staff, particularly those involved in recruitment and procurement.
The policy’s effectiveness will be reviewed annually under the direct supervision of the Company Director.
Signed by the Director: Rana Miah
Date: 26/08/2023
This statement reaffirms Skills Pad’s commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all forms within its business and supply chain.
If we cannot assist you directly, we are committed to connecting you with those who can. Our unbiased advice and guidance are integral to our approach.
Modern Salvery Policy
Skills Pad Modern Slavery Statement
Last Reviewed: 26/08/2023
Next Review Due: 26/08/2024
This statement, in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, outlines the measures Skills Pad has implemented and continues to enforce to ensure modern slavery or human trafficking does not occur in our business or supply chain. Skills Pad adheres to a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of modern slavery, operating with utmost ethical standards, integrity, and transparency.
About Skills Pad
Skills Pad is an Alternative Education Provider committed to delivering high-quality training to unemployed adults and young people not in education or employment. We aim to facilitate positive progression and help individuals achieve their full potential. Our operational structure consists of a Director, supported by an Admin Team and Tutors delivering training programs.
Operations and Supply Chain: We operate solely in the UK, receiving funding to act as a subcontractor for funded training programs and providing commercial training to enhance employee skills.
Relationships and Collaborations
We collaborate with local authorities, Job Centre Plus centers, and subcontractors like WorkPays Ltd to support local community needs and assist individuals on benefits to move closer to employment.
Management’s Responsibilities
The Directors ensure the policy’s implementation and operation. Managers are responsible for staff awareness, handling concerns, and maintaining records. Human Resources and Head Office monitor the policy’s operation concerning employees and job applicants.
Staff’s Responsibilities
All staff members are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy, reporting any concerns, and ensuring due diligence in recruitment and contract negotiations.
Policies and Due Diligence in Relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking
We are committed to:
- Examining internal business procedures.
- Ensuring zero tolerance for modern slavery is built into contracts and business dialogues.
- Asking suppliers to warrant against slavery or forced labor in their operations.
- Not supporting or dealing with businesses involved in slavery or human trafficking.
Risk Assessment and Management
Our approach assesses risks associated with vulnerable populations, business models, products, and geographical sources.
Key Performance Indicators
We measure the effectiveness of our initiatives through staff turnover rates, progression, personal development meetings, and electronic salary payments.
Training on Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Briefing sessions and specialized training are provided for new and existing staff, particularly those involved in recruitment and procurement.
The policy’s effectiveness will be reviewed annually under the direct supervision of the Company Director.
Signed by the Director: Rana Miah
Date: 26/08/2023
This statement reaffirms Skills Pad’s commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all forms within its business and supply chain.
If we cannot assist you directly, we are committed to connecting you with those who can. Our unbiased advice and guidance are integral to our approach.