
IAG Policy

IAG Policy

If we cannot assist you directly, we are committed to connecting you with those who can. Our unbiased advice and guidance are integral to our approach.


At Skills Pad, our Information, Advice, and Guidance (IAG) services are dedicated to helping learners make informed decisions about their future. We strive to provide a client-focused service that is accessible, current, comprehensive, and impartial. This document outlines the services and facilities available to our learners and the principles that guide our IAG provision.


Our policy aims to facilitate well-informed and realistic decisions for individuals about their future options. By enabling learners to apply their knowledge, skills, and experience, we support them in setting and achieving new goals, reviewing and assessing learning, and recording achievements. This approach is intended to improve retention, enrich destination data, and elevate aspirations across all study areas and levels.

Policy Context

A structured program of activities helps learners make suitable choices for their education and career paths. Our IAG services are tailored to meet the needs of individuals at various stages of career planning and development. We maintain high professional standards to provide services that are person-centered, impartial, and confidential.

Key IAG Principles

Our IAG services are grounded in the following principles:

  1. Confidentiality and Impartiality: Offering objective advice on learning opportunities, skills, qualifications, career progression, and access points.
  2. Personalization: Addressing the unique needs of individuals and building upon their previous learning and experience.
  3. Inclusivity: Recognizing and promoting equality and diversity, and being sensitive to various cultural and faith backgrounds.
  4. Empowerment: Contributing to learners’ participation, retention, and achievement by raising aspirations and developing essential career management skills.

Careers Information, Advice, and Guidance Include:

  • Pre and post-entry course information.
  • On-course support and progression guidance.
  • Exit guidance for positive future destinations.
  • Apprenticeship progression planning.

Learner Entitlement

Learners and prospective learners are entitled to:

  • Accurate course information and advice on progression routes.
  • Information about additional support services at induction.
  • Progression assistance from Skills Coaches and tutors.
  • Access to professionally qualified guidance staff.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Learners: Provide relevant information, attend interviews, be honest, and actively participate in planning and development.
  • Skills Pad Management Team: Ensure staff awareness, sufficient resources, access to training, and strategic planning.
  • Engagement Team: Provide course information, maintain links with specialist services, and monitor learner progressions and destinations.
  • Skills Coaches and Tutors: Offer course and progression advice, promote equality of opportunity, and signpost alternative provisions.

Confidentiality and Equal Opportunities

We maintain records of learner interactions in compliance with GDPR regulations/Data Protection Act 1998, accessible only to authorized staff. Skills Pad is committed to equal opportunities, welcoming enquiries from all individuals and ensuring equal access to our IAG services and resources.

Feedback and Monitoring

We encourage feedback to improve our service. Compliments, comments, and complaints can be made through available channels, and all are treated with confidentiality and rigor. Our activities are quality assured through various internal and external mechanisms, including observations and assessments.


Our IAG policy empowers and guides learners through their educational and career paths. By adhering to these guidelines, Skills Pad commits to providing an exemplary service that supports the aspirations and achievements of all learners.

IAG Policy


At Skills Pad, our Information, Advice, and Guidance (IAG) services are dedicated to helping learners make informed decisions about their future. We strive to provide a client-focused service that is accessible, current, comprehensive, and impartial. This document outlines the services and facilities available to our learners and the principles that guide our IAG provision.


Our policy aims to facilitate well-informed and realistic decisions for individuals about their future options. By enabling learners to apply their knowledge, skills, and experience, we support them in setting and achieving new goals, reviewing and assessing learning, and recording achievements. This approach is intended to improve retention, enrich destination data, and elevate aspirations across all study areas and levels.

Policy Context

A structured program of activities helps learners make suitable choices for their education and career paths. Our IAG services are tailored to meet the needs of individuals at various stages of career planning and development. We maintain high professional standards to provide services that are person-centered, impartial, and confidential.

Key IAG Principles

Our IAG services are grounded in the following principles:

  1. Confidentiality and Impartiality: Offering objective advice on learning opportunities, skills, qualifications, career progression, and access points.
  2. Personalization: Addressing the unique needs of individuals and building upon their previous learning and experience.
  3. Inclusivity: Recognizing and promoting equality and diversity, and being sensitive to various cultural and faith backgrounds.
  4. Empowerment: Contributing to learners’ participation, retention, and achievement by raising aspirations and developing essential career management skills.

Careers Information, Advice, and Guidance Include:

  • Pre and post-entry course information.
  • On-course support and progression guidance.
  • Exit guidance for positive future destinations.
  • Apprenticeship progression planning.

Learner Entitlement

Learners and prospective learners are entitled to:

  • Accurate course information and advice on progression routes.
  • Information about additional support services at induction.
  • Progression assistance from Skills Coaches and tutors.
  • Access to professionally qualified guidance staff.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Learners: Provide relevant information, attend interviews, be honest, and actively participate in planning and development.
  • Skills Pad Management Team: Ensure staff awareness, sufficient resources, access to training, and strategic planning.
  • Engagement Team: Provide course information, maintain links with specialist services, and monitor learner progressions and destinations.
  • Skills Coaches and Tutors: Offer course and progression advice, promote equality of opportunity, and signpost alternative provisions.

Confidentiality and Equal Opportunities

We maintain records of learner interactions in compliance with GDPR regulations/Data Protection Act 1998, accessible only to authorized staff. Skills Pad is committed to equal opportunities, welcoming enquiries from all individuals and ensuring equal access to our IAG services and resources.

Feedback and Monitoring

We encourage feedback to improve our service. Compliments, comments, and complaints can be made through available channels, and all are treated with confidentiality and rigor. Our activities are quality assured through various internal and external mechanisms, including observations and assessments.


Our IAG policy empowers and guides learners through their educational and career paths. By adhering to these guidelines, Skills Pad commits to providing an exemplary service that supports the aspirations and achievements of all learners.

If we cannot assist you directly, we are committed to connecting you with those who can. Our unbiased advice and guidance are integral to our approach.